Open Letter to My Member of Parliament

A Plea for Accountability and Compassion: Vote Against the Finance Bill 2023-2024

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you as a concerned constituent who is deeply troubled by your recent vote in favor of the Finance Bill 2023-2024. This Bill, which imposes a multitude of taxes, is poised to inflict severe financial strain on countless Kenyan families, particularly the poor and marginalized.

Your role as our representative is to be the voice of the people, to listen to our concerns, and to protect our interests. However, the decision to support this punitive Bill feels like a profound betrayal of the trust we placed in you. It is a decision that appears to prioritize political loyalty over the genuine needs and hardships of your constituents.

The Impact on Ordinary Kenyans

The Finance Bill 2023-2024 introduces several tax measures that will disproportionately affect the poor. Increased taxation on basic goods and services will make everyday life more difficult for those already struggling to make ends meet. For many, these new taxes could mean the difference between affording daily necessities or going without.

Ignoring the Cries of the People

In the lead-up to the vote, there was an overwhelming outcry from the public. Citizens from all walks of life voiced their opposition, pleading for you to reject the Bill. The protests, the letters, and the petitions were all clear indicators of the people’s sentiment. Yet, these voices were ignored. By voting in favor of the Bill, you have not only disregarded our cries but have also exacerbated the economic struggles faced by many Kenyans.

A Call for Accountability and Compassion

As our elected representative, your loyalty should lie with us—the people who entrusted you with the power to advocate for our welfare. It is disheartening to see that the priorities of political allegiance have overshadowed the fundamental responsibility to safeguard the interests of your constituents.

We urge you to reconsider your stance and align your actions with the needs of the people you represent. It is not too late to advocate for amendments that will alleviate the undue burden placed on ordinary Kenyans. We need leaders who will fight for us, who will listen to our concerns, and who will act in our best interests.

The Power of the Majority

Remember, it is the majority that will ultimately determine the future of our nation. We are the people who elected you, and we have the power to hold you accountable. Our voices will not be silenced, and our resolve will not be weakened. We call on you to stand with us, to prioritize the needs of the many over the interests of the few, and to demonstrate true leadership by rejecting the aspects of this Bill that are harmful to your constituents.


We believe in a Kenya where every citizen can thrive, where our leaders listen to and act upon the needs of their people, and where political decisions are made with compassion and foresight. It is our hope that you will take our concerns to heart and work towards a fairer, more equitable solution.

We look forward to seeing your commitment to the welfare of your constituents reflected in your future actions.

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